Best Platform For Learning Data Science Online
Data Science is the hotest job of 21st centurey and for learning data science, there are many of online courses is availabe which provide a valuable content.When learning data science online it's important to not only get an intuitive understanding of what you are actually doing, but also to get sufficient practice using data science on unique problems.
Hence, in this blog we will discuss some popular platform for learning data science online.
Coursera is the online learning platform which provide top world class knowledge and it is taught by top instructor from world-class universities and copanies like Harvard, JGU, MIT and so many more university course availale, so you can learn something new anytime, anywhere.Hundreds of free courses give you access to on-demand video lectures, homework exercises. if you want to learn online then you can visit this site.
edX is the online platform where you can grow your skills in data science. It is the tursted platform for eduction and learning. Founded by Havard and MIT. In edX online platform more than 20 million learners are enrolled.
Hence this is also a best platform for leannig data science online from any where, any time you can visit at this site.
Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with over 100000 courses and 24 million students. it provide some paid courses and some free. So you can visit at least one time.Because some offers are availabe and you can get any paid course in low price.
Udacity is also 100% online platform for learning data science. there are many courses is avilabe in this platform you can choose any one according to review.
Youtube is also a platform where data science content is availabe in free. I persionaly suggest you that you can try and take overview of dadta science. Because if you are bigneer then at least you have basic knowledge of data science and it's algorithm.
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