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Best Books for a Data scientist | Best Books for a good data scientist


Every persion has their own way of learning by books or video 
lecture. Sor in this article we discuss some books which is every data scientist should learn.
books for data scienceLearning Data Science on your own can be a very difficult task! There are numerous ways to learn today - MOOCs, workshops, degrees, diplomas, articles, and so on.

Data Science is very widly field.which is not covered in a single books if any book coverts all concepts then the topic may be in short length.So for widly knowledge we discuss all books according to the domain. Let's starts.

Best books for a data scientist

1.Books For Language/Tools

In market only to books is famous for data science python and R. 

    Python books

         It does what it says on the tin, and it does it really well. The book starts out with a walkthrough of the basic Python elements and data structures, working through variables, strings, numbers, lists, and tuples, outlining how you work with each of them. After that, the book covers user input, while loops, functions, classes, and file handling, as well as code testing and debugging.    
basics of python

Mastering Python for data science   

we have covered so far for learning Python looked at the language from a programming perspective. Now it’s time to learn it from the data science angle. Which data science libraries are commonly used and how? How can you create data visualizations and mine for patterns in Python? And how can you code advanced data science/machine learning techniques to build models? These questions and more are answered by Samir Madhavan in this excellent write-up.
mastering python for data science

Book for R

The Book of R is one of the newes book on the market and it covers R in a very positive light. The Book of R is the best book which is huge for an intro programming book. Each chapter moves in a logical of R, the syntax, adn finally techniques for building with R. These later chapters cover data analysis, statistics, and visualization with R graphics/charts.
basics of R language


R for Data Science

After learning basics of R then learn R For Data Science.You will learn how to import different kinds of data into R, the different data structures, and how to transform, visualize and model your data. The perfect book to learn data science through coding in R.

R for data science

2.Books for Machine learning

After learning the programming knowledge  language learn machine learning. Because machine learning algorithm is implemented using programming language. Hands-On Machine Leanring with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow is the best language. I am also used this book. this book is covered all basics to advanced topics.You need programming experience to get started with the Hands-On Machine Learning book. Each chapter in the machine learning book features numerous exercises that will help you apply what you've learned till that time. Post successfull reading of the book, one should be able to implement intelligent programs capable of learning from data gained.
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow

3.Book for mathematics for data science

Mathematics is the main important part of the data science. I persionaly used machien learning and applied mathematics introduction. you are choose book according your confort. because there are many books are availabe in the market.this book is also covered all basics and concepts of mathematics.

applied mathematics for data science

Hence these all books is perfects for become a data science according my opinion, it may be different
Best Books for a Data scientist | Best Books for a good data scientist Best Books for a Data scientist | Best Books for a good data scientist Reviewed by Sheeshpal Singh on April 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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